£4k for Local Amateur Boxing Club from Hyndburn Mayoral Charity

Clayton Amateur Boxing Club has been awarded £4000 to support the great work they do with the youth of Clayton. The money which was raised at the Mayoral Ball was presented to the club by the Mayor of Hyndburn, Cllr June Harrison.

Volunteer John Brindle, who is head coach and match maker at Clayton Amateur Boxing Club said:

“We’re very pleased and grateful for this money from the Mayor. We’re moving into new premises in the near future and the money will go towards refurbishing the equipment there.”

Clayton Amateur Boxing Club is a very deserving recipient. It’s a not for profit organisation run by volunteers who care deeply about the young people in the area.

Mr Brindle highlights that:

“Discipline is paramount in Boxing and it can cure a multitude of ills, like obesity, behavioural problems, and mental health issues.”
The money comes at a great time for the club. They have been fund raising for several years to move into upgraded facilities. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved, and a further £50,000 from Sports England, they’ve achieved that goal and the club will soon be moving to the Civic Hall in Clayton. These latest funds will go towards refurbishing their new home and purchasing new equipment.

Mayor of Hyndburn, Cllr June Harrison commented:

“Organisations like Clayton Amateur Boxing Club perform a vital role in our community by giving young people an alternative way to spend their evenings. This boxing club and its heroic volunteers like John Brindle are extremely positive role models.”

Clayton Amateur Boxing Club operates an open-door policy. Mr Brindle commented:

“Everyone is welcome. It doesn’t matter who you are, male or female, there’s no age limit, we don’t care what your religion is or where you come from”.

Clayton Amateur Boxing Club operates activities and training sessions every weekday evening, see their website for details of how to get involved www.claytonamateurboxingclub.co.uk

Amateur Boxing Club takes a jab at £20,000 fundraising target

An amateur boxing club for youngsters is on its way to hitting a £20,000 fundraising target after big-hearted businessman Lawrence Whittaker weighed in with a hefty donation.

Lawrence, CEO of Warranty Wise, presented a £500 cheque to John Brindle, head coach of the Clayton Amateur Boxing Club in Accrington.

The sizeable sum will be added to a £1,470 grant which was recently been approved by Miles Parkinson, County Councillor for Clayton-le-Moors and Rishton.

Boxing coach John, an Occupational Therapist’s Assistant who works with vulnerable adults by day and an amateur boxing coach by night, has more than 70 kids signed up to his classes each week.

He is well known for volunteering to help youngsters in the area, many of whom are striving to change their lives for the better.

The cash will go towards buying equipment and refurbishing a new property which they have applied to secure in the area.

In addition to the donation, local lad Lawrence, who has helped grow his family business to become one of Britain’s biggest warranty companies, has paid for a brand new sign for the club.

John says: “We really appreciate Lawrence for donating £500 and getting our fundraising target off to a great start. We have been after a sign for six years and this is far better than we had hoped for. It gives the club an identity to be proud of.”

Lawrence, who was joined by Mayor Tim O’Kane and his consort, Mrs Melanie Storey at the cheque presentation, adds: “The Whittaker family of businesses has been in Accrington since 1987 and we are proud to be able to help this great amateur boxing club.

“The world really needs more people like John to give their time to help the youngsters target their energy into sport.”

County Councillor Miles Parkinson adds: “After talking to John about future aspirations it became apparent that he and the club required new equipment.

“I was pleased to support this through the Lancashire local members grant which I awarded to the club. We are now working closely with the club, Mercer House 1842 and Lancashire County Council for the asset transfer of the former Youth Centre on Moor Street.

“It would be a perfect new venue and coincidentally, it is where John started running ‘fitness for boxing training’ some years ago.

“Of course we are in the early stages of these discussions with Lancashire County Council but all our passions is for this to hopefully succeed with the aspirations of the club to provide this resource within Clayton Le Moors well done to all involved especially John for his dedication.”

If you would like to make a donation, visit the club’s fundraising page at: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ClaytonBoxing